ultraviolet absorption detector中文什么意思

发音:   用"ultraviolet absorption detector"造句
  • ultraviolet:    adj. 【物理学】紫外的;紫外线的 ...
  • absorption:    n. 1.吸收,合并。 2.专心,一 ...
  • detector:    n. 1.发觉者。 2.侦查器。 3 ...
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  1. The ultraviolet absorption detector is also applied to detect the protein apexes . the components are respectively collected by fraction collection . we have gotten two absolute components
  2. Detector : the most commonly used detector is ultraviolet absorption detector ; other universal detectors are photodiode array detector ( dad ) , fluorescence detector , refractive index detector , evaporative light - scattering detector , electrochemical detector and mass spectrometry detector etc
    检测器最常用的检测器为紫外吸收检测器,其他常见的检测器有二极管阵列检测器( dad ) 、荧光检测器、示差折光检测器、蒸发光散射检测器、电化学检测器和质谱检测器等。
  3. A linear relation can be found between response value of ultraviolet absorption detector , fluorescence detector , electrochemical detector and refractive index detector and quality of the object under test ; however , relation between response value of evaporative light - scattering detector and quality of the object under test is usually not a linear one , therefore , mathematical conversion of response value should be made before making calculation when necessary
  4. Ultraviolet absorption detector , photodiode array detector ( dad ) , fluorescence detector , and electrochemical detector are optional detectors , response value of which is relative to not only quality of the object under test , but also structure of the compound ; refractive index detector and evaporative light - scattering detector are universal detector , responding to structure of all compounds ; evaporative light - scattering detector is quality - type detector , whose responding value only relates to quality of the object under test for compounds with similiar structures ; photodiode array detector ( dad ) can , at the same time , record absorption spectra of the object under test in a prescribed wave scope , consequently , it can be used in spectrum control and inspection of purity of chromatographic peaks of the object under test


  1. ultraviolet absorbing glass 什么意思
  2. ultraviolet absorptiometer 什么意思
  3. ultraviolet absorption 什么意思
  4. ultraviolet absorption analyzer 什么意思
  5. ultraviolet absorption curve 什么意思
  6. ultraviolet absorption maximum 什么意思
  7. ultraviolet absorption method 什么意思
  8. ultraviolet absorption methods 什么意思
  9. ultraviolet absorption spectra 什么意思
  10. ultraviolet absorption spectrometry 什么意思


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